Create your cookie statement in 5 minutes

  • Fully customized in Dutch and English
  • Made by top specialists
  • Available as Word and PDF file

What is a cookie statement?

The total price is: €100.00 ex. vat. This amount will be invoiced once this form is completed.

The cookie statement is part of the mandatory GDPR documents that you need to have if you are processing personal data. If you use cookies, you must inform the visitors of your website and ask the visitors of your website for permission before the cookies are placed. This is not necessary if the cookies you use fall under one of the exceptions from the Cookie Act. The exception is functional cookies, you do not have to ask the user for permission, but you must report that you use the cookies. When you use cookies on your website, it is legally required by the cookie law and the GDPR to have a cookie policy. By making a cookie statement, you ensure that visitors to your website are informed about the cookies that are placed, their purposes and the way in which permission can be given for placing the cookies. You risk a high fine if you do not properly and clearly inform the visitors of your website about cookies.
FAQ about Cookie statement in the Netherlands

What are cookies?

Cookies are a way to track user behavior on a website. They are small pieces of data that are stored on a user’s computer, and they can be used to identify a user’s preferences or track their movements on a website. Cookies are often used to improve the user experience on a website, but they can also be used for advertising or tracking purposes.

I have a webshop and am selling to consumers. Do I need a cookie pop-up/banner for customers to explicitly consent with the use of cookies?

Almost any webshop is required to have that cookie statement. There are several ways to interpret the privacy laws, but in any case I would recommend you to state a clear yes/no (or a selection of the types of cookies that a visitor accepts). If you are using WordPress there are several great plugins that make sure you are fully compliant cookie-wise.

Why do I need this?

Because of the implementation of the so-called GDPR. This is a EU data protection law that came into effect in May 2018. The GDPR affects how cookies can be used on websites, and it requires websites to get explicit consent from users before using cookies for tracking or advertising purposes. Websites that don’t comply with the GDPR can be fined up to 4% of their annual global revenue.

Process and Pricing for Cookie statement

After you have fulfilled the checkout process, we will send you a form where you will out a few details about yourself, your company and your company structure. Once this has been filled out we will start working on your Cookie statement. This takes on average 1-2 working days.