Create your GDPR data processing register in 30 minutes

  • Fully customized in Dutch
  • Made by top specialists
  • Available as Word and PDF file

GDPR Data Register

The total price for the GDPR Data Processing Register is €200.00 ex. vat. This amount will be invoiced once this form is completed.

In the processing register you keep, among other things, what type of data you process for what purposes, whether it is passed on to other parties, how long it is kept and how you have protected the data. In many cases, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) makes it compulsory to keep a processing register. Creating a registry is only the first step. The registry must be updated every time new processes are added or existing processes are changed.

What you need to know about a data processing register

Documentation obligation
The register is mandatory for all companies that systematically (not just occasionally) process personal data, for all companies with more than 250 employees, and for all governmental bodies.

Continuous updating
Creating a register is just the first step. Every time new processes are added or changes are made to existing processes, you need to update the register.

Contents of the register
In the register, you keep track of what kind of data you process for which purposes, whether this is passed on to other parties, how long they are kept, and how you have secured the data.